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Health Forms

Any child requiring medication at school is required to have a Craven County Schools Medication Authorization Form completed by a licensed health care provider and signed by parents/guardians. A seperate form must be completed for each medication in order to be valid. Follow instructions on form regarding how to supply medication to school. We highly recommend that all children with life threatening allergies and medical conditions such as asthma, have medication available if needed. 

Medication Authorization Form

Any child requiring an Epi-Pen at school will also need the following action plan completed as well. 

Allergy Action Plan

If your child has asthma, please have providers also provide a copy of their Asthma Action Plan as well. 

The Craven County Schools Medical Statement for Students with Unique Mealtime Needs for School Meals should be completed for all students that require dietary modifications or have allergies to various foods. This provides our nutrition staff with all necessary information to safely provide specialized meals for these children. Please print the form and follow the instructions provided with the form. 

Dietary Form/UMN